Protecting your boat when a hurricane approaches is very essential. There are instances when this cannot happen. You may not have the financial means to move your boat. You may be unable to remove it from the water at all. In this situation, it helps to know what your boat insurance can offer to you. Most boat owners know the value of having a comprehensive plan, but do you have access after this type of storm?
Look at Your Policy
Many boat insurance plans do not provide coverage for hurricanes. If you live in an area where there is a high risk of a hurricane, such as along the southern coastline of the United States, your chances are higher of not having coverage. However, this does not apply to all situations. Look to the terms of your policy to understand if you have coverage. Hurricanes and other storms, especially tropical storms and typhoons may be exclusions.
What About Hauling Insurance?
Some boat insurance plans can help with moving your boat when a storm is approaching. This type of insurance may only apply in situations where a named storm is approaching. If the National Weather Service names a storm, that may mean it is likely to turn into a tropical storm or hurricane. When this occurs, this type of coverage kicks in. It kicks in to help you pay for the cost of moving your boat from the water into a protected area. Again, policies differ. Some policies offer no coverage like this while others offer a significant amount.
Securing Your Boat Is Essential
Hurricanes in particular present a significant risk to a boat owner. Not only are the winds troublesome, but so is the storm surge. This is the surge of water that comes onto land along the coastline as the storm passes. Torrential rains, tidal surges and waves, high winds, and even tornados spawned from the hurricane can damage a boat. Whether or not you have boat insurance, take steps to protect your asset.
It also pays to update your policy to ensure it reflects your specific risks. Work with your local marina to find solutions for your boat as the storms approach. Keep your boat insurance up to date, too. Even when you do not have coverage, it can be beneficial later. Some policies are specific to hurricanes. Though costly, they can help safeguard your investment.